No way! It cannot be the end of August...where others think of closing the summer mindset and slowing down from open air activities. August, for me, triggers gathering the emerging Digital Marketing tools, expert insights and reciting digi mantras for Michigan Tech University Introduction to Digital Marketing students.
What will be explored and exposed in the fall 2012 Introduction to Digital Marketing class? Exciting stuff! With the support of expert industry professionals, there will be videos, web meetings, articles and projects.
The Fall 2012 class incudes several new upgrades: a new text book (same author); a new web tool (Canvas - way better than Blackboard), new guest lecturers (from Vevo, Carat, SMG, GM and Google) and a "super digi”, really interesting, new Tech Start-Up project.
If you are a Digital Marketer, you know....we are always learning. Every day, there is a new tool, new product or new channel to connect with Target Customers. Recently, I have been reading a lot about Pinterest and am learning a lot. The site is quite the interesting concept and offers a lot of potential benefits to marketers. Their proposition is great content that is relevant, easy to find and sharable. In the attached article, I learned that a major benefit to Pinterest is SEO. I thought this was a good learning article and maybe you will too.
Welcome Fall MTU Introduction to Digital Marketing Students! It is very exciting to think that the semester will begin in just a few days. Classes officially begin August 29, 2011 and our first web meeting is on August 31, 2011 at 7:30pm. See your MTU email and the syllabus for details.
This semester will be my 5th semester teaching Introduction to Digital Marketing. The class has certainly evolved and so has digital marketing and digital channels.....Believe it or not, my first lesson was a discussion on the power of MySpace. Some students participated in Facebook, but not all were users. The students had heard of Twitter, but "didn't really get it". There was no discussion of Google+ for sure!
This semester, I have enlisted some of the brightest professionals in the Digital Marketing world to lecture via web meetings. You will learn how to create a website from Steve Walbrun who manages Digital Operations at GM; MTU's very own Heather Riley (formerly Norton) who graduated in 2010 from MTU and is now a graphic designer and social media expert will teach you about social media marketing; David Murray has over 10,000 followers on Twitter that tune into his expertise on social media content and how to grow followers; Matt Zumstein has participated in every semester that I have taught to provide his expertise on Digital media and digital marketing; and Jennifer Simkins is a global leader at Starcom Media Group and she will share her insights on emerging Digital Trends.
The class is online and independent, but it will require you to gather online with your classmates. It is designed to be fun, educational, entertaining and insightful.
Please provide feedback throughout the semester to me and to your class mates through any of the online social forums that are available.
See you on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 7:30 on Adobe Connect.
Download 110410 Matt Zumstein - Digital Media Planning On November 4, 2010, Matt Zumstein was very prepared to review a presentation on Digital Media Planning via WebEx to the MTU Fall 2010 Digital Marketing Class. Because of technical difficulties, he was unable to present.
Several students has written questions for Matt that I will post and invite Matt to respond.
Paul DeJarnatt reviewed Digital Marketing Strategy at a WebEx for the MTU Introduction to Digital Marketing class this week and it was fantastic! Paul provided great insights and and relevant examples from both GM and Blackberry. The students asked really good questions which made for outstanding learning. Thanks Paul!
I found while reading my Wired magazine subscription. It is a really interesting site that asks a plethora of questions to identify your preferences to solve for the best search solutions for you. As a curious digital marketer, I decided to register and immerse myself into the site. It was fun answering all of the questions and exploring how I feel about the various topics. Some were easy choices that I was proud of admitting, others were difficult choices and some were choices that I was a little ashamed to admit. The recommendations post my survey were pretty solid. I see a future for this type of search. The site clearly would like to have a relationship with me and is trying to get to know me better. My hunch is that they want me to fall in love and tell all my friends, family and students about my new romance. What do you think about is an innovative option for sharing content and tracking leads. Basically, you create a barcode that holds your content and it can be "stuck" almost anywhere. You can load words, pictures or videos.
What do you think? Do you think users will embrace or is this a passing fad? Can you see potential spin off ideas? Please share you thoughts!
I just discovered Groupon a couple of weeks ago, and I like it! I receive an email every day that advises me of an opportunity to join with others in my area for a group buy. It kind of reminds me of where you are offered a new daily deal. It's fun to see the new daily options. Hopefully, someday the site will learn what I like or what I buy and personalize the offers to meet my needs. I bet their smart engineers are already crafting phase II.
What do you think about the site? How will marketers generate revenue? What is your point of view on group marketing?
You are a Facebook user. I know you are. Tell me what brands have impressed you on Facebook? How do you recommend that marketers connect with Facebook members?
Digg is Deadd - Website Magazine - Website Magazine.
What are your thoughts? Do you agree with the article?
I don't know...StumbleUpon seemed like a really cool site when I first stumbled upon it. The love has cooled and I'm have reached the "I don't get it" stage.
Take some time, review the site and let me know how to bring the love back.
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