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Task: Consider your perception of GM before and after you visit the site called GM Fact or Fiction and comment on your point of view.
HOW DOES THIS TASK RELATE TO DIGITAL MARKETING? As a digital marketer, you can change perceptions by providing relevant content. Obviously, authentic, fact based and unbiased content has the best chance of influencing perceptions. Digital Marketing in this case, is a combination of content creation (the website) and a search strategy to help consumers find the content.
I didn’t know too many specific details about GM before visiting the site. Of course, I had some basic knowledge about them and I know they are one of the “Big Three” in the auto industry, but recently I had only talked about them in my economics class where I got a more negative idea of the company. After reading the facts about GM, I think I was a little more impressed with the GM brand and have more hope in their ability to handle the economic crisis.
Posted by: ambrzost | February 24, 2009 at 03:20 PM
The news that I had previously heard about GM was how they were looking for a easy way out with the given bailout and how they were going to basically be handed money based on the auto industry going under reconstruction. I realized that this was misleading information because even though GM is going under reconstruction, the company insists that this will have no impact on its warranties. After reading the facts of the company many of my perceptions of the company have changed and I now believe that the company is making a valid effort to help the American people.
Posted by: glenn | February 25, 2009 at 11:29 PM
Perception Before
What I know of GM comes primarily from my dad, since he worked with GM for 30 years. From what he told me they were a pretty decent company that would look out for its workers, even when times got tough. Also, they have been a pretty open company about what they do and how they go about their business.
Perception After
All in all my opinion on GM didn’t really change the much since I did have some prior knowledge of them. Some of the specifics they gave though did help me understand them better and I think overall is a good move for them to have the website to show people what they are all about. Especially with the economy being the way it is, any confidence they can give people is a good idea.
Posted by: mjgras | February 28, 2009 at 06:45 PM
My perception beforehand of GM was rather iffy. I had heard about them going downhill, and I was only aware of partial technology they were testing due to my Aunt.
My perception after... they gave some information that helped enlighten my view for the company as a whole, but overall my opinion of them has not changed. I only hope they make it through the economic crisis, though.
Posted by: Hat | March 01, 2009 at 07:14 PM
Before visiting the site, I didn't know much about GM other than what I suppose the average American knows about them. After visiting, I was happy that GM made this website. They address many issues head-on, and even have a section that allows you to submit rumors you've heard to find out if they are fact or fiction.
Posted by: kaniva | March 01, 2009 at 07:16 PM
I would say that I am very knowledgeable about GM, and I have always been very “pro-GM”. Growing up, the majority of my family was employed by GM, and I even worked for GM my senior year in high school. Therefore, I have always been a firm believer in GM and the decisions they make. In fact, I am so far biased towards GM that I have never owned a car made by anyone else. I was a little disappointed that they didn’t have any “fiction” statements. I know there are a lot of rumors out there about GM, and I would love to see a big “FICTION” sign on them. My perception of GM has not changed. I think very highly of them, their cars, and the way they treat their employees. I thought the information was presented very well and reflected GM in a positive light. I also liked that they have their viability plan posted because it gives them something to back up their statements.
Posted by: slernst | March 01, 2009 at 08:31 PM
I have always had a good perception of GM. My mother worked for GM for a few years, but left and now she is employed by Chrysler. I am from Detroit so I have a good understanding of the automobile industry and the impact this recession has had on it and my community. Even though my family owns a lot of Chrysler products we always had at least one GM product. After I visited the site my perceptions towards GM did not change, because most of the facts I already knew. I think it is a good idea that GM posted a website like this in these economic times.
Posted by: cvbaugh | March 01, 2009 at 10:16 PM
I agree. I have an uncle working for GM and he has been treated well thru these hard times as well. I believe that this site will be helpful to GM in these times as well. It will help people to gain facts rather than make negative assumptions.
Posted by: nahaurin | March 01, 2009 at 10:41 PM
Before: GM is the second leading auto maker in the world. Recently they have been struggling with the downward moving economy. However, they were having problems with their SUV’s before due to the increase of gas prices. They received an economic bailout from the US government.
After: I understand their importance in keeping their existence as a producer in our country. GM expects to pay off the loan by 2017. If the auto industry failed, 1.1 million jobs would be lost in the country. In fact, we need them as we try to move towards a “greener” generation. GM is working on the Volt, which could be lost if GM went under. My perception really hasn’t changed, I always though of GM as a strong corporation that was hit by hard economic times.
Posted by: Brett Girard | March 01, 2009 at 10:52 PM
My perception of GM before visiting the site was good, but I was still a little unsure if I would by a car from them because of worries that the company will go out of business. After the visiting the site, I felt more secure about the situation and would consider buying a vehicle from that company.
Posted by: Robert Zychowski | March 02, 2009 at 02:36 PM
Before: GM is not something I have a ton of knowledge on because I have never had too much of an interest in vehicles. I have always have owned Chrysler vehicles and that is where most of my knowledge is. I know that they are having problems in these economic times.
After: The tax payer’s dollars are being used to help out everyone not just GM employees. There would be a lot of people out of jobs if GM didn’t get the help because of the chain effect such as the suppliers to the people who work for those suppliers and so on.
Posted by: jedowney | March 02, 2009 at 07:56 PM
Before visiting the site, I didn't know much about GM other than what I suppose the average American knows about them. After visiting, I was happy that GM made this website. They address many issues head-on, and even have a section that allows you to submit rumors you've heard to find out if they are fact or fiction.
Posted by: Robby N. | March 02, 2009 at 08:38 PM
After visiting the GM Facts or Fiction site I learned a lot about the company I did not know. I was interested in their plan to repay their $30 billion loans by 2012. I also did not know where the $30 billion was being spent before visiting this site. A site such as this one allows the customer to spread news and inform the public of their actions.
Posted by: dkraisan | March 02, 2009 at 09:07 PM
I did not know too much about GM or the auto industry before visiting this site. I knew that they are struggling financially and that I would have plenty of questions about GM if I were ever to purchase a vehicle from them.
After visiting the site, I think it is a great site for getting answers to very important questions regarding GM. The facts about the struggling economy put GM in a better light than I thought prior to visiting the site. The way they answer direct questions gives me confidence in buying from GM.
Posted by: mike a | March 02, 2009 at 09:13 PM
I am skeptical that GM will be able to pay off the $30 billion loan by 2017. It sounds good and would be awesome, but it seems like a pretty lofty goal.
Posted by: dkraisan | March 02, 2009 at 10:01 PM
Before visiting GM Fact/Fiction I feel like GM is destined to go out of business. With reports of how much cash is being burned through each quarter and how much more is being requested from the government bail-out, I just don't see how they can survive.
After visiting the site, I didn't realize how they have a realistic plan to pay back the loans they're getting from the government. Many companies give the impression that they're taking the money and running (to spas and Boeing for a private jet). However, they appear to have set out goals on not only how to pay back the loans, but how they intend to be profitable in the next 2 years.
Posted by: jaylital | March 02, 2009 at 10:49 PM
I would have to agree with both cvbaugh and nahaurin about having a good perception on GM. I have a few relatives that work for GM and have always been treated well. Going through these hard times GM has been very upfront about what the company has been up to, with my relatives. People should not have bad perceptions about something or a company if they do not have or know the facts about it.
Posted by: cekangas | March 03, 2009 at 01:34 AM
Perception plays a huge role on marketing. If a company has a very negative image no matter how much advertising they do, when people see that ad they think of the negative thoughts they have towards that company right away. The same goes the other way, if a brand is thought of very highly when people see an ad they may think fondly of the good that brand has done for them or someone they know. I also believe an online experience may change a brand image.People may have a negative image but if they go online and find out all the good that brand can do for them and read about testimonies from other people their thoughts on the brand may change quickly. Someone with a very negative few of the car industry may read gm facts and fiction and learn some things they thought were actually false and start to transform their opinion.
Posted by: nahaurin | March 03, 2009 at 10:13 AM
I am also impressed with the comments and facts that I have read about GM becuase in this economic crisis something definetly needed to be done and they are doing a great job. They are really proving themselves to the country that they are really trying their best to make things work. I have a more positive feeling for their future success even though the times we are going through. I come from a family who has always owned GM products and will always remain that way and so it is good to see that there are good things happening with the company.
Posted by: mrmeyers 93 | March 03, 2009 at 03:41 PM
My perception of GM and all auto companies in southeast Michigan is that they are older companies that have been need of restructuring for some time. Companies of that age and size should have restructuring plans every decade to not end up where GM and most of Southeast Detroit is now. After looking at this site I see that GM is committed to do whatever it has to do to survive in this economy and has already taken the steps necessary to do so. Hopefully sites like these will help them convince the public and government that they can succeed.
Posted by: meschmie | March 03, 2009 at 04:42 PM
My uncle works for GM so its been a household ever since I was born. I still didn't really know to many specifics about the automobile company before visiting the site. I was under the impression of them as very trustworthy and reliable company even though (agreeing with meschmie) that they are in need of some restructuring. As everyone can see from "the Big three" fiasco that occured. After visiting this site, however, I hope this will help individuals see that there is a promising future with this company.
Posted by: Jonathon Folse | March 03, 2009 at 05:24 PM
~Before entering this site, I had absolutely no expectations or relevant thoughts about GM as a company or product. I do not purchase GM products and I had no interest in the Company because I feel that there are a few major issues with in the way the organization is ran and how there product fits into the current and past markets for automobiles.
~After visiting this site I felt that they were almost trying to hard to impress any current or future customers/ investors. I have not changed my over all opinion of the company and its products.
Posted by: MLDowler | March 03, 2009 at 05:30 PM
That's exactly how i felt about it. I just generally never cared for their product from the get go.
Posted by: MLDowler | March 03, 2009 at 05:35 PM
Before visiting the site I recently have only heard how bad the automotive industry is doing. But after visiting the site i feel like there is going to be a strong recovery by the auto industry
Posted by: jpmatthi | March 03, 2009 at 06:37 PM
I agree that there should have been a fiction section. It would be interesting to see them stand up for themself. It would also be good to set the record straight.
Posted by: Tony | March 03, 2009 at 09:59 PM
I also agree with both of these ideas, I think that there are many negative ideas about GM and it would be beneficial for them to address these ideas and then state why these specific ideas are wrong.
Posted by: Ellen Sherry | March 03, 2009 at 11:01 PM
Before I looked at this site I thought many of the same thoughts as other American consumers. GM is part of the auto industry and the auto industry is currently not doing very well and to most people they are failing and bringing our country down. This site helps to address where GM stands specifically stated by this company to help people undersatnd that things are not as bad as everyone thinks
Posted by: Ellen Sherry | March 03, 2009 at 11:05 PM
Before I viewed GM’s fact or fiction website, I had a pretty good idea of what their current situation is and what they are trying to do in order to stave off bankruptcy as there situation has been covered extensively in the news. Thus, my perception has been skewed a bit as there have been an absurd amount of negative coverage. But, to be honest, I am in favor of revitalizing GM through the means of tax dollars especially when considering the alternative. Still, my overall impression of GM is a mixed bag as I don’t understand how the CEO’s and various higher-ups did not have the vision, clarity, and foresight to see the future shifts in automobile trends, rise of gas prices, and faulty business model. With that said, I absolutely love the Cadillac brand- there new designs are bold, sleek geometric designs of pure artistry, very sexy.
After viewing the site, I began to understand why GM does not want to declare bankruptcy, even though the company continues to post billion dollar losses each quarter as GM provides an enormous amount of monetary success for a great deal of other companies that do business with them. Not to mention many people depend on GM for survival.
Posted by: Caleb MM | March 04, 2009 at 12:06 AM
From what I knew about GM was that it was an American made company and that they were about to be in some type of bailout that was all over the news.
After visting the site I seen some of what was talked about in the news and how they were looking for money and I heard a lot of the people that I knew said that their parents were going to lose their jobs, so some of the things that I saw on their page is most of what I heard from others.
Posted by: R Spring | March 17, 2009 at 08:31 PM