Think about your history of searching on the web. Were you an "ask Jeeves" person? Are you a Yahoo girl or a Google guy? You have your favorite sites , then something new comes along.
Microsoft has never been a leading search engines. Do you think Bing can "kick it up"? Check out and post your thoughts on the new Microsoft entry into the search engine business.
Not only did I go to, I also went to This showed me the results to a search on both pages. the results appeared very similar. There is one advantage to, I noticed right away. Next to the link is a place where you can point your cursor to see the first paragraph diplayed on the website. This could definetely be helpful, and I think this is perhaps one of many reasons google and yahoo may actually have some competition.
Posted by: jljarman | August 31, 2009 at 02:32 PM
On first glance, I didn't notice a huge difference between Bing and other search engines, such as Google and Yahoo. Being a primarily Google user myself, it would take time for me to discover the actual benefits of switching (if any). To me, that is too much to invest when I'm already perfectly happy using Google.
I think Search in general is evolving to be more all-encompassing and smarter in returning well matched results.
Posted by: albutler | September 02, 2009 at 07:20 PM
Microsoft's new entry into the search engine business shouldn't have Google and Yahoo! worrying yet. Google and Yahoo! are so well-known that Bing can't possibly enter into the market and be a big name player right away. However, Microsoft is a big successful business with success in many markets, so if Bing catches on, it may become a big player in the search engine industry. One thing I like about Bing is the small amount of sponsors and advertisements on the side of the results page. I get frustrated with Google and how crowded the results pages are on the site.
Posted by: jljohnso | September 02, 2009 at 10:03 PM
I don’t really think that Google and Yahoo! should be concerned with Bing. I don’t see how Bing is any different than the other search engines out there. I know I wouldn’t switch just because Microsoft decided they needed to put out a new search engine besides MSN. The only real difference I noticed was how they sorted the search results by category and that isn’t a big deal for me. Some people might find that useful though.
Posted by: tmsimila | September 03, 2009 at 06:53 PM
Surprisingly, I liked Bing a lot. Like the majority of Internet users, I have been using Google for years and cannot imagine switching to anything else. However, Bing seems a little more user-friendly. I like the look of the site, especially the organization. I think it is great that it organizes your search into categories. For example, I searched “spiders,” and Bing created separate categories for “Types of Spiders,” “Spider Facts,” “Spider Care,” “Spiders for Sale,” etc. I may start using Bing more often.
Posted by: Tracy (Payne) Brush | September 03, 2009 at 09:20 PM
I thought that it was not anything special compared to other search engines. They may have a few new features on the side when you search for things. The thing I did like about Bing is it seems to be more organized than other search engines.
Posted by: Dan Panetti | September 03, 2009 at 09:52 PM
I don’t think that is much different from Google and Yahoo! at all. I think that the only real attraction to it is that it is something “new.” I think Google and Yahoo! already have enough of an established user base that they won’t have anything to worry about.
Posted by: Christine Arnold | September 04, 2009 at 08:26 PM
I actually liked bing. I am an avid google user ... in fact, constant. Switching to something else other than google may be impossible for me. Has Bing kicked up the search engine business? I think so ... it is inviting, clean, and feels more like a community with common searches, hot topics, and an invite for a live tour. I don't know that Bing will ever take over google, but it is well thought out and well made.
Posted by: hanorton | September 05, 2009 at 08:45 PM
I didn't notice any differences between Google and Bing, honestly. Wikipedia was still one of the top results, followed by some sites with the search terms as the website. I don't feel like I gained much that I wouldn't have already had with Google.
If I'm Google and Yahoo, sure I'm a bit concerned, because once people catch on to using something, everyone starts doing it. Look at Twitter. It had been around for a while and suddenly it took off. Bing might do the same thing, and actually pull a Google (make themselves suddenly the #1 search engine - MSN and Yahoo were tops before, then Google came by and stole their thunder).
Posted by: jaylital | September 05, 2009 at 11:49 PM
Personally I think that Bing could give google a run for their money. I like how the opening page has a picture that changes each day. It also has things you can learn about the picture by scrolling over it. I also think that they have good marketing tactics to spread the word about it. The one thing they need to focus on is getting people out of their comfort zones to try a new site. I think that this site could be the next big thing.
Posted by: lmdixon | September 06, 2009 at 12:41 AM
I didn't find any differences between Google and Bing. I think that over time Bing could definately give Google and Yahoo some competition. Microsoft is a huge, well know company and with them entering the market could take away many users who are loyal to microsoft. Also they are very organized and easy to use which is what made google so popular.
Posted by: blknuutt | September 06, 2009 at 10:42 AM
I will be sticking with my personalized Google page for now. I did several searches and both engines brought back similar items. I did like the layout of the Bing page; it did not have the side column of sponsored links. I usually don’t find anything useful from those sites.
Posted by: Kari | September 06, 2009 at 02:09 PM
I really didn’t see that much difference between and your typical Yahoo or Google search engines. I did like that after I entered my search and all the results loaded there were related searches right next to the ones that were found. This could really help me narrow down what it is exactly that I’m looking for. This is the first time that I’ve head of leading me to believe that Google and Yahoo are still dominating search engines, things do change though.
Posted by: Ryan Bunger | September 06, 2009 at 04:14 PM
I would not be too concerned if I were google or yahoo. Bing did not look like anything special, nothing that I was attracted to. One thing that I did notice is that on the right side of the link a more informational popup came up with a little preview of what the site contains. Yes, it is a neat idea but I do not know if it will be able to pull ahead of google or yahoo.
Posted by: cekangas | September 06, 2009 at 08:13 PM
I'm definitely a "Google Girl" and will probably use it until the day I die or until it stops working. I think that Bing uses the same basic concept. The pro about Bing is the image they use on the front page, and that image changes daily. You can scroll over the image, and an information pop-up box appears. For instance, tonight, there was a microscopic image of some kind of bacteria. I was intrigued to see what it was, so I ead about it. Bing has a great concept, but I'm not sure if it will take because most people are already in the habit of using their current search engines. It's really hard to teach an old dog new tricks!
Posted by: Catherine | September 06, 2009 at 09:34 PM
I don't think there is much of a difference between "bing" and some of the other search engines. I prefer to use google, but that is just because that is what I have always used and I feel it is effective. Bing has potential to be big, but I don't think that other search engines have to worry because bings advantages don't outweigh the other search engines popularity and effectiveness.
Posted by: tlj5384 | September 06, 2009 at 10:03 PM
I think the biggest problem posed to Bing at this time is name recognition because of the fact that Google and Yahoo have a stranglehold on the search market. The part that I enjoyed about surfing the site was the small amount of advertisements that the site offers which is refreshing from the typical search engines. The other advantage of using this search is the results are categorized which makes your findings more accessible. Overall, I think for Bing to compete with the major search engines it must offer a service which is superior to its competitors to attract future users and this will come over a gradual period of time if the consumers are satisfied with this advanced search.
Posted by: glenn | September 06, 2009 at 10:05 PM
To piggyback off of Glenn's statement, Google and Yahoo shouldn't be concerned with Bing's into into the search market...YET. Right now, I really dont see Bing taking over. I like the big pictures and little unknown facts when you go its homepage. Thats a nice feature when compared to Google's bland white background. But you can deny Google's presence in this market. And plus it has different apps such as google docs and google adsense that play off of its website. Lastly, Google just does Search right. Its kind of like Apple's iPhone and its competitors. Every phone maker tries to make an "iPhone killer" but they fall short. The iPhone just does things right. And this is coming from a Blackberry user.
Posted by: Jonathon Folse | January 18, 2010 at 01:57 PM
I think that Bing is great because of the search categories that it provides to the left of the search bar, however I do not think that once a search is actually ran it is much more beneficial. I do not think that Google and Yahoo should be very concerned. The one thing that I was attracted to was the home page. That was about that only that I liked about Bing.
Posted by: | January 20, 2010 at 02:42 PM
I like Bing's website because it is appealing. They have a nice looking homepage which draws you in. It does not appear to be much different than Google or Yahoo. Google or Yahoo should not be concerned yet since they are well established. Google has almost become a verb anytime someone needs to find information about anything. When there are questions people naturally say "Google it." Google has built such a presence they will be hard to slow down.
Posted by: dkraisan | January 21, 2010 at 10:59 PM
I think Google should keep an eye on Bing because it is a potential threat, but I don’t think they should be worried. I think Google has a huge advantage in that their search engine is fast and accurate and has set such a high bar that Microsoft may have trouble gaining market share. Also when we have to find something on the web, how many of us just say “Google it?” Microsoft has to overcome many of the company’s problems with their reputation. I don’t think many consumers are willing to give their search engine a serious chance until that improves.
Posted by: Shawn Toutant | January 22, 2010 at 04:16 PM
At the end of the day, Google and Yahoo should be concerned with Bing because they are a direct competitor, thus, it would be rather foolish and not very business savvy for them to simply dismiss Bing as nothing more than “another search engine.” Bing is somewhat attractive as they do offer a decent amount of additions that other search engines are not offering such as an images section that employs a single page to display all image results. Still, I believe Bing is largely comparable to the other 2 big search engines with the main exception coming from brand recognition, awareness, and loyalty. The reason for this point of differentiation is that Bing is a relative new comer and has a tremendous amount of ground to make up in terms of attracting new users.
Posted by: Caleb MM | January 24, 2010 at 07:57 PM
“Okay, let’s shake off Google from our “perception” that there could be nothing better than it.” I’ve been using Google and their services for many years, until I discovered Bing. I think that Bing is a great search engine and that it’s a direct competitor to Google and Yahoo! and I believe it will become a popular alternative to other search engines in the future. I love the daily changing background photo and the trivia that come with it. I think that Bing’s related search is very helpful, and I feel that often times Bing is more “intelligent” than Google when suggesting related searches and when searching the web in general. Bing’s advanced search is a lot better than Google’s in my opinion. I love the site preview on Bing, this saves me a lot of time. With Google, it displays me a list of websites, that’s about it. But when I use Bing, I can put my cursor over a website suggestion and it shows me a preview of the site, this saves me a lot of time and clicks. Did I mention that Bing offers Cashback for many online stores? Last week I bought a new winter coat using Bing, and I received 20% Cashback just for using Bing. Want to buy an airplane ticket? Bing can predict when it’s the best time to buy a ticket. I’m on several flights throughout the year and using Bing’s Farecast technology has already saved me over $100 so far. The travel search on Bing is very convenient and well designed. Bing Maps is superior to Google Maps in my opinion. It seem like the imagery used is more recent and better in quality. The “Bird’s eye view” is great! It’s also smoother when zooming or moving the map (those actions “blend” into each other, it looks elegant). 3D photos, weather, what’s nearby, Photosynth, along with other “Map apps” make the Bing Maps experience outstanding. Bing also offers a Twitter search utility, a great video search section (integrated with Hulu), and WolframAlpha is integrated into Bing searches, which is very convenient. xRank is another feature I enjoy, and there are many more features I haven’t listed but are worth checking out. All in all, I’m thoroughly impressed with Bing. It has replaced my default search engine (Google) and is my new homepage. I’m not a “Microsoft Fanboy”, but in my opinion Bing is awesome!
Posted by: Paul Jueckstock | January 24, 2010 at 08:35 PM
Bing was a site I had not used, but after going on the site it is pretty much identical to google. The difference is my thought process would be hard to change at this point. The reason for this is because when I am looking for information on something, I 'google' it. I don't think i'll 'bing' it. I think bing is in a tough place to be competing with major sites such as yahoo and google. They could maybe kick it up by thinking of a tool or aspect that yahoo and google do not have or offer. Trying to figure of what that is would be a whole task itself.
Posted by: Dgcousen | September 04, 2010 at 02:54 PM