The great thing about internet marketing as a profession is that you learn something new about how to connect with consumers every day! There are so many new tools and so much fantastic new content that is posted every minute. The other cool thing about internet marketing is that you are likely to teach something about the business or new content that you have discovered. Share something interesting about a website or content that you have discovered.
TV Tropes is a collection of tricks and tools that appear in stories, cartoons, movies, television shows and almost everything else with a plot. This website is set up to make finding these easier. It is set up like a wiki, but with a variation of differences. I have two notes of warning: the first is that this website is addicting (one might go on reading tropes forever); and the other is it can ruin movie watching (you search for tropes and critique movies instead of blissful ignorance).
Posted by: Nicole Kirch | September 01, 2010 at 01:38 PM
The best website well of course thats I really like how they make reviews of electronics really easy to find. They bring in different testers to review the products by the manufactures.
The worst website is I say this because i have had very bad experience trying to reserve hotel room through out Yellowstone park. If one day is reserved they will not let you tell you what day it is. They also need to upgrade they tabs on their page.
Posted by: Gregory Franz | September 01, 2010 at 10:52 PM
The worst websites I have had experience with are the sites that are created and there are links that have been gone forever and never updated so you find what you are looking for and then..darn you cant get there anymore. I do not have a specific one in mind because it seems to happen a lot.
My favorite website is This is a site to help you win at any scrabble game by typing in your 7 letters and getting a list of possible words. Haha..I am kind of joking, but not really, I do think its definetely a unique idea.
Posted by: jljarman | September 03, 2010 at 03:33 PM
The I really like because everyday you get to see the daily deal. I’ve bought a few things off woot because the price they offer seems to be the best. I try to check it every day because you never know what you’re going to find.
The Ill admit it I had a myspace back in the day but now its just turned into a place for weird, creepy, and psychos. There have been multiple court cases dealing with myspace and murders, suicides, and rapes. All-in-all not a very good website.
Posted by: Nick Laurila | September 04, 2010 at 02:11 PM
Good Website: – Granted I am an agent and may be a little bias, but I like our website because it allows for personalization. You can search out houses that may attract you and then save and compare them. This was a recent addition for us and it seems to be working. 70%+ of our leads come from the internet, so to have this site allows the clients to utilize what we can offer them and brings them to us versus the competitors. It is also a big advertisement for our franchise, which is advertisement for other Century 21 Companies, if someone were to move out of our area.
Bad Website: – Some people may like this site, but recently when I was trying to find out information for my parents and purchasing them a new computer, I was lost. I couldn’t find what I was looking for nor was I easily able to navigate the site. Some customers may love it but I was not one of them.
Posted by: Kerry Hanrahan | September 05, 2010 at 11:50 AM
I have just found a new website that puts personalization to the extreme. I believe that it is going to revolutionize the music video industry. Google Chrome, Arcade Fire and a few other groups join together in an experiment of customization. It is mindblowing (even if you do not get quite the full experience).
Posted by: Nicole Kirch | September 05, 2010 at 12:12 PM
One of the worst websites of all time, in my opinion, would have to be
Everyone I've shown this website to cannot be sure whether it is for real or it is a joke. The graphics are horrible and very cluttered. There is massive disorganization and randomness, too! I will give the site one kudos: it is very memorable, but in the worst way possible. Hilarity ensues whenever someone visits this website, perhaps that is Ling's angle.
Posted by: Bawherea | September 05, 2010 at 11:00 PM