I admit it, I really like Twitter. I rarely tweet anything, but I love to read the people I follow. Primarily, I follow experts in the area of digital and social marketing. I have learned so much from there 140 character posts. Often, they provide a link to an interesting article or website that I find myself clicking to find out more. The twitter ap is loaded on the front page of my blackberry and I know late breaking news the minute the news breaks. I follow NY Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and if someone famous dies, there is a world event or there is a new CEO at my company...I find out first! Check out twitter and let me know what you think.
TASK: Gain a deeper understanding of widgets and gadgets (same thing) and think about how you could use a widget or gadget to market MTU
HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO DIGITAL MARKETING? Widgets and gadgets deliver content. As a marketer, you are constantly looking for ways to deliver relevant content to consumers is easy to find formats. In addition, the exercise was designed to inspire thought on content creation, brands and control. Anyone can create content, so as a marketer how do you ensure the integrity of your brand? Interesting to consider how far widgets and gadgets will extend. Will websites be necessary in the future?
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